Covid-19 Update from Happy Turtle Tea
We are all charting new ground now, together. With that in mind, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a Covid-19 update from Phoenix. Happy Turtle Tea will not be attending any shows/events for the foreseeable future. This gives us plenty of time to work on creating new tea blends and fulfilling your orders quickly. We have always blended our teas in small batches to ensure freshness and quality and will continue to do so through this difficult time. If anything, these times show that our focus on providing the highest quality teas is our true passion. Especially our loose leaf teas, including Black, Rooibos, Oolong, Pu-erh, and Green Tea for Covid-19 immune support! Now, I am sure that you all have some questions about these teas, so let's get those questions answered.
Is Loose Leaf Tea Safe?
Once tea leaves are picked, generally all further processing is mechanical with no human contact. All of our tea bases come from reputable tea suppliers and the stock was imported prior to October 2019, and subsequently, the Covid-19 virus outbreak. The CDC has stated:
“In general, because of poor survivability on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

According to the CDC, the virus is killed at a temperature of 167F. During processing, prior to teas being imported, the leaves are dried at temperatures above 203F, and when combined with the long transit time from tea-producing countries, the risk is extremely low. The Tea Association of the USA has echoed these findings.
Here at Happy Turtle Tea we are taking extra precautions and ensuring that all surfaces, tools, and product packages are sanitized multiple times before they touch any of our yummy tea blends and components. Due to the fact that some of our customers have latex allergies, we are not using latex gloves but double and triple washing everything before use.
Our Most Asked Hot Tea and Covid-19 Related Questions
We are firm believers that drinking tea is safe. To our knowledge, there isn’t anything harmful that can withstand the high temperatures required to properly steep tea. Tea is not only one of the safest products to consume, but also one of the best for you, and right now anything that we can do to boost our immune systems is at the top of our list.
Tea is full of antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids that strengthen your immune systems and fight infection, which is essential to keeping your body strong and healthy through this Covid-19 pandemic.
Loose Leaf Tea to Drink During the Covid-19 Pandemic
We recommend trying Elphaba’s Elixir, it is an immune fighting green tea that is full of everything good for you right now, including elderberries, echinacea, eucalyptus, ginger, lemongrass, licorice root, marshmallow root, and rose hips. Elderberries are a very commonly used medicinal plant and many take it as a supplement to treat cold and flu symptoms. These dark little purple berries contain numerous antioxidants and vitamins that give a big boost to your immune system, helps to tame inflammation and has been shown repeatedly to ease cold symptoms. Echinacea also encourages the immune system to combat symptoms associated with colds and flu. Eucalyptus is known to help with stopped up sinuses and like marshmallow root, also helps to relieve coughs and sore throats. Don’t forget the powerful inflammation-reducing properties of ginger, licorice root, and lemongrass. Rose hips contain a high amount of vitamin C which is critical for your immunity fighting regimen.
Alternate Elphaba’s Elixir with Tigger’s Tummy Tamer if you have any nausea or upset stomach. This blend is completely herbal and contains both peppermint and spearmint and lavender to tame and calm that nausea.
And if you and your family are feeling a bit anxious and stressed right now, give Hulk’s Lullaby a try. This green tea for Covid-19 is calming and delicious.
Need more tea with high vitamin C content, try Awesome Mix. This is a black tea with black currants. Did you know that black currants have 4 times more vitamin C than oranges? It’s true and a great way to start your day! Or give a Pu-erh tea a try. Alchemy & Destiny, It’s a Psych Thing, and Remember Your Floaties are all fermented teas that have higher than normal levels of Vitamin C.
More Green Tea for Covid-19
How about a green tea that is supercharged with everything good about green tea, plus a boost of energy? Give our Raspberry Vanilla Matcha a try. A single cup of matcha is equal to 10 cups of green tea, nutritionally speaking, with 137 times more antioxidants. Bonus, you get the energy without the jitters! The takeaway here? Green Tea and Covid-19 go hand-in-hand, and only in good ways!
If you are like me and can’t sleep right now with all of the uncertainty, try The Mantis Touch. This green tea was designed to promote sleep with just the right amounts of all things drowsy.
Free Shipping on our Covid-19 Fighting Loose Leaf Teas
With all of us doing our part to “flatten the curve” we will get through this and be better for it on the other side. We want each of you to enjoy one of these teas during your time of self-quarantine. Therefore, any orders that include at least one of the teas named above will ship free through May 31st when you order online. Use coupon code CVFREESHIP and choose ‘Free shipping with coupon’ at checkout.
Stay well and take a sip of happiness.